One of the most enjoyable pastimes in New York City is the ballet. However, many people miss out on this amazing opportunity due to the belief of some common misconceptions. Let’s debunk some common ballet myths.

Myth #1: All Ballets are the Same

Many people are under the impression that every ballet is exactly the same. This could not be further from the truth. Perhaps you saw one ballet and didn’t enjoy it. You don’t stop going to the movie theater after seeing one movie you didn’t enjoy, so why do so with ballet? You have to find the style of ballet that you like best. That could be a narrative ballet or an abstract ballet without a plot, or somewhere in between. Go see a mixed bill that includes different flavors of ballet to find your favorite!

Myth #2: It’s Boring

People oftentimes associate the ballet with being boring or stuffy. In today’s society, we spend so much time staring at screens that the opportunity to watch a once in a lifetime show should be revelled in! If you really think that you will be bored during a show, the Washington Post suggests considering a mixed-repertory program. This option offers a buffet of dance with a series of shorter pieces, as well as an intermission between each work.

Myth #3: It’s Intimidating

One of the most common myths when it comes to ballet is that it is an intimidating art form. Some forms of high art have that tendency but it does not have to be that way. Ballet audiences are not expected to participate in the show itself and the fourth wall is intact. Therefore, there is no reason to be intimidated! You are allowed to simply sit, take it all in, and enjoy the show! Allow yourself this pleasure and you will be in awe of the superhuman moves you see onstage.

Now that we have addressed some of the most common ballet myths, you can feel more confident about attending a ballet. Every ballet is unique, far from boring, and should not be intimidating at all. Get out there and enjoy the show!