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Benefits of Learning a Musical Instrument

Benefits of Learning a Musical Instrument

Do you ever wish you had the ability to play the piano but feel like you are too old to learn? Scientists have recently learned of the myriad of benefits that come along with playing a musical instrument. That being said, it is never too late to learn to play an...
Common Misconceptions about Ballet

Common Misconceptions about Ballet

One of the most enjoyable pastimes in New York City is the ballet. However, many people miss out on this amazing opportunity due to the belief of some common misconceptions. Let’s debunk some common ballet myths. Myth #1: All Ballets are the Same Many people are under...
The Benefits of Taking an Improv Class

The Benefits of Taking an Improv Class

Some people might break into a cold sweat just hearing the words “improv class” as they imagine a class of talented aspiring actors bantering and producing original comedy routines on the spot with perfect ease. However, improv classes have become popular...


Welcome to Kevin McCord’s blog dedicated to music and the performing arts!